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Novato Republican Women


June 18 Luncheon

Featuring Joseph Marshall and Leland Faust


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

$32 Members | $37 Guests

Marin Country Club 

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Trump's Tribulations: Late Term Abortion

As Saul Alinsky once said, “The issue is never the issue.” He meant that whatever issue Leftists appear to have in their sights is not their real focus; their real focus is power, and until they have absolute power, their immediate focus is revolution.

The more desperate Liberals get for power, the more controversial issues take center stage in politics and the news. Perhaps the most controversial issue of the post World War II era is abortion.
This article won’t attempt to change your views; rather it points out that the recent spate of states (New York, Rhode Island, Virginia) amending their constitutions or creating pro-abortion legislation is in reaction to the possibility that, if Justice Ginsberg dies and President Trump appoints another pro-life justice, Roe V. Wade could be overturned. New York and Virginia seek to overturn the 2003 federal law preventing partial birth abortion nationally. And Rhode Island is vacillating between one bill, preventing partial birth but allowing siblings over 25 and grandparents to approve abortions for minors, and The Rhode Island Reproductive Health Care Act which lifts all limitations, including partial birth.

Last year, Rhode Island’s Governor, Catholic Democrat Gina Raimondo, supported including pro-life insurance policies on the state’s Obama care exchanges (wpri.com); she met with a firestorm from the Left who turned against her and raised big money to support another Democrat candidate and unseat her. She won, but has radically changed her views to keep her political career alive.

In the State of the Union, President Trump said: “Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth…These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and dreams with the world.”

What do his words really mean? 1) If viable full term babies can be killed on day one, what’s to prevent killing them the next day, or whenever suits a parent’s need? If a parent isn’t competent to choose, the state would get involved; then the state would determine who lives and dies, no matter the age; 2) therefore, the “beautiful babies” are all of us. If the Left wins their power grab, we may all lose our “chance to share [our] love and dreams.”
A recent CBS poll declared 76% of Americans approved of the president’s speech. According to a 2018 Gallup poll, 87% of Americans oppose late term abortions. The similarity of those numbers shows that most Democrats oppose late term abortion. Science has advanced since 1973, when Roe became law. Not only has medicine provided an array of contraceptives including the “day after pill,” but ultra sound and other advances show fetal development. Of babies born at 22 weeks 25% survive; 90% of those born at 27 weeks do. Only 59 countries allow abortion for any reason; more than half of those demand parental permission; only 6, including the US, allow abortion after the 22nd week. While science has yet to pinpoint the exact moment the soul enters the body; it has provided a clear picture of what’s possible with respect to bringing lives into the world.

With 5 children and 9 grandchildren, the president agrees with the 87 percent. And he knows that states rushing to pass abortion laws are not protecting women. By making late term the new standard, the Left further divides the nation by making abortion a black or white issue. It’s not enough for Americans to support abortion prior to 12 weeks, or 20 weeks, they’ve got to agree with it in any form, at any time, even after a healthy full term birth. To support these extremes, one must be so afraid that one is willing to hand over one’s rights to government - or be hungry for the kind of power that tyrannies provide.

Hunger for power explains why Virginia’s Democrat Governor Northam would include a joke KKK photo in his medical school yearbook, then 40 some years later chillingly support infanticide. His combined actions remind us that the Left brought us slavery and we become their slaves again if we hand over control of the right to life. This right extends beyond the maternity ward to our “inalienable rights” to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” In honor of our rights, it’s important that open-minded discussions on controversial topics continue; regarding abortion, we’re still debating the exact moment life begins. But that important truth is not the issue here. Because the issue is never the issue; the issue is power.

So, when President Trump declared his pro-life views during his recent State of the Union address, he was actually defending the liberty and rights of all Americans.
